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Pioneering Change: FSAA's Think Tank and APCO Tackle Sustainability in Foodservice Packaging

In a world where sustainability is a pressing concern, the Foodservice Suppliers Association Australia (FSAA) has emerged as a frontrunner in addressing environmental challenges within the foodservice industry. One of their groundbreaking initiatives involves a strategic partnership with the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO), demonstrating a commitment to transforming the industry's approach to packaging and waste management.

The FSAA's foresight in establishing the Think Tank in 2021, from the finalists of its prestigious scholarship program, reflects the association's dedication in nurturing innovation and encouraging proactive minds of emerging leaders from within the industry. The Think Tank's primary mission was to confront the issue of unsustainable pail use within the foodservice sector. Although these pails are technically recyclable, a lack of infrastructure resulted in their improper disposal in landfills.

Undeterred by the challenge, the Think Tank embarked on a pilot program involving collaboration between a restaurant, a distributor and a recycling company. The goal was clear—to create a viable and sustainable recycling process for the widely-used pails in foodservice. This initiative marks a fundamental change, as it not only addresses a specific issue but also sets a precedent for collaborative problem-solving within the industry.

The Think Tank's efforts have not gone unnoticed, as the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) recognised the significance of their work. In a bold move, APCO has pledged its support and resources to the project, aligning with the FSAA's vision of enhancing and driving the industry forward as a more sustainable foodservice industry.

This collaboration not only validates the importance of the Think Tank's mission, but also positions the FSAA as a leading force in driving change.

APCO has committed to working alongside the FSAA Think Tank to ensure the industry is regulation-ready by 2024. This forward-looking approach acknowledges the urgency of the sustainability crisis and underscores the FSAA's commitment to being at the forefront of positive change.

The FSAA and APCO are also working together to find a solution for the Single-Use Plastic challenge. A working group has been organised, which includes high-profile businesses, all of which are in a position of leadership that can set the benchmark for positive change.

Beyond these specific initiatives, the FSAA remains dedicated to improving the foodservice industry through education, meaningful connections, and insights. The association actively seeks partnerships with organisations that can contribute in expanding its charter, thereby adding value to its membership base and the industry as a whole.

Minnie Constan, CEO of FSAA says “The FSAA fosters a culture of collaboration through roundtable discussions, providing a platform for our members to address pressing concerns. These discussions not only identify obstacles, but generate real solutions that can be rolled out to the broader community, emphasising the FSAA’s proactive role in shaping the future of foodservice in Australia”.

The collaborative efforts of the FSAA's Think Tank and APCO are a real solution for the foodservice industry, demonstrating that sustainable change is possible through innovation and collaboration. As the industry prepares for regulatory changes in 2024, the FSAA's commitment to education, collaboration, and problem-solving positions it as a leader for positive change, inspiring the foodservice community to collaborate in the pursuit of a more sustainable future.

For information on these projects or if you want to learn more about the Foodservice Suppliers Association Australia (FSAA), please contact Minnie Constan



6th February 2024, Foodservice Suppliers Association Australia