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Restaurants in Brisbane open the way for a cashless future

A restaurant chain in Brisbane is pioneering cashless business.

The Corbett and Claude restaurants have been successfully operating a cashless system for two years now accepting only credit and debit card payments.

The owner, Tim Johnson, says the benefits far outweigh any negatives and estimates it has only cost him two customers per day.

He says going cashless has many advantages.

For a start, there’s no need for a safe. Also, you don’t have to count cash, do a “change run” to the bank, order coin bags or make daily deposits.

All up, he says it has saved him a small fortune.

And it means there are no more difficult conversations with employees about the takings not balancing.

“I spent over 20 years in hospitality and the amount of nights I spent counting and recounting cash at two in the morning to check its right and worrying about it was countless,” Johnson told The Courier-Mail.

“There’s also the shadow of doubt across team members if you lose $100 in a day and have to ask where it went.

“It might have been an innocent mistake but you create a negative vibe just asking people about it, so there’s no need to worry about that and it just simplifies everything.”

And the business has been booming since he made the decision to go cashless.

Since opening his first restaurant at Indooroopilly Shopping Centre in 2015, he now has expanded with three more Corbett and Claude eateries. These include one at Rhodes, north of Sydney, and two Comuna Cantina Mexican restaurants.

And of course, they are all cashless.

But he says anyone wanting to go cashless needs to think location. Some parts are more accepting of card-only restaurants than others.

“If you are going to open a cashless venue, you need to think about the style and location of the venue and the demographics of the area as well,” he told The Courier Mail.

by Leon Gettler, October 11th 2017