Putting gluten free on your menu doesn’t need to be difficult!

12.1% of Australians follow a gluten free diet so no wonder more than ever cafes and restaurants are feeling the pressure to put gluten free on their menu.

As a foodservice provider you should be aware of your responsibilities when making a gluten free claim.


Did you know?

  • 84% of gluten free customers don’t eat out as often as they would like.
  • Gluten free customers are very loyal - 99% would be likely to return if they have a good experience.
  • They don’t eat out alone – 99% dine with family and friends – you could be missing out on a group.
  • Putting gluten free on your menu doesn’t need to be difficult, you may only need to make a few simple changes in addition to your Helga’s Gluten Free bread order. 


 What you need to DO in your kitchen to minimise cross contamination:

  1. Use designated colour coded utensils and equipment for gluten free food.
  2. Use a designated toaster, toastie bags or bon bon wrap with baking paper for gluten free bread.
  3. Designate a small zone for gluten free or do a thorough clean down prior.

 What NOT to do in your kitchen:

  1. Don’t use the same knives, tongs or bread board for gluten free and gluten containing.
  2. Don’t let gluten free and gluten containing foods be displayed on the same platter.
  3. Don’t use the same fillings for gluten and gluten free sandwiches.

  Are all the ingredients gluten free?
  • Do they have a gluten free claim?
  • Are they endorsed by Coeliac Australia?
  • Do they contain a “may contain” gluten statement?
  Keep your gluten free ingredients separated at all times
  • Store your gluten free products on top shelf in sealed, clearly labelled containers.
  • Allocate sandwich fillings for gluten free sandwiches or burgers.
  • Have dedicated gluten free spreads and sauces.
  Communicate with your customers
  • Let your customers know you offer gluten free options.
  • Make sure you note their ‘GF’ request on their order.
  • Confirm with the customer when delivering the ‘GF’ order. 




  1. Start with Helga’s Gluten Free Bread and use gluten free fillings and spreads (keep separately from non-GF foods).

  2. Don’t forget to use your colour coded breadboard, knife and tongs.

  3. If you decide to toast – use a dedicated sandwich press or toastie bag. Or serve the fresh sandwich in the toastie bag.







Reference: CSIRO Healthy Diet Score and 2018/19 Coeliac Australia Survey

7th October 2021

Goodman Fielder Foodservice

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