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Integrated hospitality CCTV systems to keep your business safe

Bepoz - POS CCTV

We've been working with many of our customers to implement intelligent surveillance systems to their venues, providing them with total control over all areas of their business. From POS transactions to the physical activities happening in your venue we can provide a complete overview of what is happening in your venue at any time. 

Key areas of development are POS CCTV overlay integration and Numberplate recognition both are providing venues with new opportunities to manage and grow their revenue.



Overlay provides evidence on every transaction for greater peace-of-mind.

With POS integration you can generate reports to provide clarification on credit or discount fraud, cash theft when giving change, failure to ring up sales, unauthorised discounting, customer and staff collusion or price and barcode switching. 

  • Time stamped image with every transaction.
  • Track key events like 'no sale' alerts.
  • Check what is registered as sold against what has been served.
  • Solve money disputes with ease.
  • Review footage based on specific sales.
  • Search by time or product.

Bepoz - POS CCTV

Numberplate Recognition

Recognises number plates entering your venue through bottle shops, VIP access areas or carparks.

Numberplate recognition provides the opportunity to create marketing and loyalty contact when members numberplates are recognised. Sending a discount voucher, welcome to the venue greeting or carpark access.  The perfect solution to take your loyalty program to the next level.

Vectron can provide you with a full-service CCTV solution including additional services such as patron counting and mobile smartphone app monitoring. 

Our Point of Sale CCTV overlay is one of the advanced on the market, providing venue managers and owners with secure venue monitoring.



For more information on Vectron CCTV or Point of Sale
call 1300 832 876 or email



9th May 2019