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Lake Mulwala resort OK to expand

an56-3-DN-Aaroona Holiday ResortMulwala's Aaroona Holiday Resort in the Riverina district of NSW is set for expansion including a new two-storey motel after the Corowa Council approved a redevelopment proposal last week.

Stage 1 works on the 1.4-hectare site will include the creation of 10 long-term caravan sites, 90 camp sites and a laundry and amenities block. Future stages include more cabins and units, a replacement manager's home, shop and motel.

Aaroona is located on Corowa Road opposite Lake Mulwala and was established in the mid 1970s.

A new manager's home and motel will come in stages 3 and 4.



Source: AccomNews, 21 October 2013