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Reducing surplus food to feed the hungry, homless & needy

OzHarvest is a charitable organisation that rescues excess food from restaurants, retailers, food outlets and corporate kitchens that would otherwise be discarded and delivers it to charities that feed the disadvantaged and homeless.

OzHarvest is a simple, effective service and is provided free to both food donor and recipient. The food is picked up and delivered the same day using refrigerated vans with a changing daily schedule. 

How You Can Help?

Donate Food

If your are a caterer, hotelier, wholesaler, retailer, restaurant, deli or food provide and have food to donate, please contact OzHarvest on (02) 9516 3877.

Contatc OzHarvest to volunteer your time.

Donate Money
Donate online, ring or mail a cheque. You can even buy a gift certificate for family and friends.
Every dollar OzHarvest recieves is used to fee those in need and all donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Visit OzHarvest Food Rescue