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Two Gold Coast restaurants close in succession

Two restaurants on the Gold Coast have called it quits over the weekend, with Aqua Front Restaurant in Labrador and the Burleigh Social Club unexpectedly closing their doors.

Aqua Front Restaurant announced on the Gold Coast Buy Swap and Sell Facebook page that the seafood restaurant was giving away free food due to the closure.

“Frozen kebabs, chick n beef (sic), all good quality. Seafood chowder, ice cream gelato choc (sic) fudge beef stock bolognaise (sic). All good stuff, if u (sic) have freezer space then your (sic) good to go,” Shannon Houghton posted.

Burleigh Social Club co-owners Jarrod Barnett, Kane Gibson and Ray Lich also took to social media to inform their 25,000 followers of the sudden closure.

“That’s a wrap!” The post read. “We have met a lot legends and some awesome friends. I still remember my first ever customers, very stoked to have met you all and shared life experiences with over the years.”


Sheridan Randall, 8th January 2019