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Brisbane loses two restaurants

Brisbane foodies got the message in their inbox last Thursday from Ryan Squires, the owner of inner-city restaurants Esquire and Esq.

It was short and to the point.

“esq. & esquire calls it a day | CLOSING Thurs March 29TH” was the email’s blunt subject line.

“I wish to thank all who dined at esq. & esquire over its seven years in operation, a massive thank you,” the email said.

“I have not come to this decision lightly as I have very much enjoyed the experience but felt for a number of reasons this was the right time to close the restaurant.

“I would like to thank all those involved and who supported me, especially my hard-working and loyal staff, my parents, friends and acquaintances.

“Not to mention the countless regulars; when in the restaurant made me smile & forget about the ongoing conundrums.

“I enjoyed my time.

It is now my intention to have a break before looking for new opportunities in this creative industry.

“Much respect.”

Squires was philosophical about his decision but as he said, he had to do it.

“It’s killed half a dozen relationships, this restaurant,” Squires told Broadsheet. “I was in a very unique position. There are not very many top restaurants in Australia where you’re the owner, head chef and operator. They’ve either got millionaire backers, [or] six managers and a business partner … Everything fell on me.”

He said the idea of shutting down came six years ago with the departure of former business partner Cameron Murchison but the decision was made within 24 hours.

He said the two restaurants will still be making money up until the closure but there was a downturn in the business “about a year or year and a half ago”.

“I was never late for a rent repayment – and my rent is through the roof – until about six to eight months ago,” he told Broadsheet. “It was only by a week. And then the second one was a couple of months later and I was two weeks late. Once that happens, you’ve got to make sure you get back on top of it. I started to do that but I was working for the landlord, basically.”


Leon Getler 28th March 2018