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Family-friendly WA pubs give parents and diners respite from screaming kids

A growing number of Perth pubs are going after the mum-and-dad market, to help parents get out with their kids in a kid-friendly environment.

It comes after a Reddit poster, posted a tongue in cheek account of a recent restaurant experience.

“I must commend you both on mothering children that can so adeptly climb structures such as the outside TV, the bar stools, then onto the fixed bench-top tables,” they wrote.

“The way they were able to take plastic water jugs and chase each other throwing water onto each other, as well as other diners and patrons was a thing to behold.

“Their recklessness when crashing into wait staff carrying stacked bowls of hot chilli mussles [sic] showed resolve, brashness and ladies, for the more intellectual of observers, it is clear you have instilled your values of not giving a s..t into your youngers. Gold star to you!”

According to the poster, the children were throwing food and using a glass bottle as a club.

“To all you other awful, awful patrons that were put out by these children screaming, shouting, running, throwing food, water, crashing into tables, climbing on tables, stages, TVs, how dare you?” the post concluded.

“These 2 mums earned this and this clearly was the best place to bring these children for an apparent end-of-year celebration. What 4 to 6 year old age group doesn’t belong in a beer garden with no playground after 6.30pm”?

Response to the post was mixed with some saying it as an indictment of “the state of society” and others saying staff should have stepped in.

“It takes a little bit of actual parenting to teach kids how to behave in public,” said one. “It’s not impossible, it’s not even hard. Start by telling the kids what you expect.”

According to Australian Hotels Association WA chief executive Bradley Woods the responsibility, legal or otherwise, rests with the parents.

“Disruptive behaviour can impact other patrons, so it’s important for parents or guardians to supervise and guide their children’s behaviour to ensure a positive experience for everyone,” Woods told The West Australian.

To counter poor behaviour, several pubs including the Victoria Park Hotel, The Bassendean and The Bayswater Hotel have refurbished their venues to help keep kids occupied.

Seasonal Brewing Co-owner Nick Southwell revealed his vision for a family-friendly atmosphere at the new venue.

“We want to create a place where families can enjoy a relaxed outing,” Southwell told The West Australian. “While we can’t guarantee everyone’s behaviour, we believe most people will act responsibly.”



Jonathan Jackson, 19th December 2024