Thanks to Unox EVEREO® & MULTI.Day Hot Vacuum we have a modern way to preserve food at service temperature. Its precision in temperature control and stability has earned certification Globally by HACCP International

Now it is possible to offer multiple choice menus for residents who can choose to dine at any time of the day.

Hot nutritious meals that have retained up to 30% of the micronutrients thanks to Cook, Preserve, Serve by EVEREO® & MULTI.Day Hot Vacuum solution.

Sourcing staff in this current climate is a challenge for every business, preserving food with this new technology means you can cook delicious fresh food way in advance and preserve until its time to serve. The highest level of control you will ever have of your kitchen labour force and we have the data to prove it.

Please contact us to discuss the amazing results our Aged and Healthcare clients are having with this new innovative technology that provides a solution to some of the key points raised in the Royal Commission regarding Food in Aged Care. 

Please check out the video link to see how EVEREO® and MULTI.Day can provide easy and healthy assistance in your industry. 

Want to find out how EVEREO can help in your business?

Call us on 03 9876 0803



1st August 2023

UNOX : Commercial Kitchen Equipment

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