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German sausage snags medal at RAS Fine Food Awards

NSW Food Authority CEO Polly Bennett has congratulated the Champion Smallgoods winner of the Royal Agricultural Society’s 2013 Spring Fine Food Show.

The ‘German Butchery’ at Kingsgrove NSW, was awarded the NSW Food Authority sponsored Champion Smallgood Exhibit in the Sydney Royal Deli Meat Competition for its ‘bierschinken’, a German ham sausage.

"As a first time entrant and up against some very impressive competition, I congratulate the German Butchery for this well deserved result," Ms Bennett said.

"It is encouraging to see a NSW small food business performing at the top of its class and it is testament to the quality of food and produce we have available in this state."

NSW entries dominated the field in this year's RAS Spring Fine Food Show competition, with 42 of the 60 exhibitors from NSW.

Of the 477 medals awarded, 346 of them were to businesses from NSW representing 72% of the prizes.

Ms Bennett said the NSW Food Authority is proud to sponsor an event that promotes excellence in the state’s food industry.

"The RAS Fine Food Show has a long and proud history of supporting NSW producers and manufacturers," Ms Bennett said.

"The Authority works closely with the NSW food industry on a day to day basis. We work across the food chain, from primary production to point of sale in an effort to ensure that food produced or sold in NSW is safe for human consumption.

"I value the relationship we have with our industry partners and congratulate all of the entrants in this year’s event."



Source: NSW Food Authority, 19 September 2013.